It turns out the the previous answer had the right ingredients, but in the wrong combination. Here is a cleaner proof.
Notation: Let $s_j(X)$ denote the $j$-th singular value of a matrix $X$ (we assume that singular values are arranged in decreasing order). Similarly, let $\lambda_j(X)$ denote the $j$-th eigenvalue of a Hermitian matrix $X$. Let $S(X)$ denote the diagonal matrix of singular values of $X$.
Lemma 1: If $B \in M_n(\mathbb{C})$ is a contraction, then for any $A \in M_n(\mathbb{C})$ we have
s_j(A) \ge s_j(AB),\qquad 1\le j \le n.
Proof: Since $B$ is a contraction, we have
I &\ge& BB^*\\
AA^* &\ge& ABB^*A^*\\
\lambda_j(AA^*) &\ge& \lambda_j(ABB^*A^*)\\
\lambda_j^{1/2}(AA^*) &\ge& \lambda_j^{1/2}(ABB^*A^*)\\
s_j(A) &\ge& s_j(AB).
Theorem 2: Let $A, B \in M_n(\mathbb{C})$ be contractions. Then,
\|I - S(A)\| \le \|I-S(AB)\| \le \|I-AB\|,
for any unitarily invariant norm $\|\cdot\|$.
Proof: Using Lemma 1 and that $A$ is a contraction, we have $0 \le 1 - s_j(A) \le 1 - s_j(AB)$ for all $j$. Consequently, it follows that
\|I-S(A)\| \le \|I-S(AB)\|,
for any unitarily invariant norm. Now using a corollary of Lidkskii's majorization (see e.g., [Theorem IV.3.4 in Bha97]), it follows that the following inequality
\|I-S(AB)\| = \|S(I)-S(AB)\| \le \|I-AB\|,
holds for all unitarily invariant norms.
Corollary 3: If for contractions $A$ and $B$, we have $\|AB-I\| < \epsilon$, then there exists a unitary matrix $U$ such that $\|A-U\| < \epsilon$.
Proof: Let $A=UP$ be the polar decomposition of $A$. Then for any unitarily invariant norm $\|\cdot\|$,
Combining this equality with Theorem 2, the result is immediate.