This question has something to do with that one.
Let $n\ge1$ and $d\ge1$ be two given integers. Consider the polynomial vector fields $v=(v_1,\ldots,v_n)$ whose components $v_j$ are homogeneous of degree $d$ in the indeterminates $X_1,\ldots,X_n$.
What is the dimension $D(n;d)$of the subspace defined by the equation $$X_1v_1(X)+\cdots+X_nv_n(X)=0\quad ?$$
I computed this dimension for small dimensions: $D(1;d)=0$, $D(2;d)=d$ and $D(3;d)=d(d+2)$. I suspect that the problem has been solved a while ago and the formula is simple in terms of binomials. A solution might come by considering a the sequence of morphisms $$\cdots\rightarrow\Lambda_{n-2}({\mathbb R}^n)\otimes {\rm Hom}_n^{d-1}\rightarrow\Lambda_{n-1}({\mathbb R}^n)\otimes {\rm Hom}_n^{d}\rightarrow\Lambda_{n}({\mathbb R}^n)\otimes {\rm Hom}_n^{d+1},$$ where ${\rm Hom}_n^d$ denotes the space of homogeneous polynomials of degree $d$, and each arrow is of the form $V\mapsto X\wedge V$.