In article Adams, W. W., & Razar, M. J. (1980). Multiples of points on elliptic curves and continued fractions. Proc. London Math. Soc, 41, 481-498.
is said on page 482 that elliptic curve
$$E_a: w^2=v^3+Av+B$$
has one point $O$ at infinity.
I understand it in such way: there is projective curve
$$E_p: uw^2=v^3+Au^2v+Bu^3$$
and points that in $E_p - E_a$ (as sets) are points at infinity.
In our case there is only one point, which third coordinate equal to $0$: $(0:1:0)$ (we set $u=0$ in $E_p$ polynomial, it automatically forces that $v=0$).
Then authors let $P = (a,b) \ne O$ and
construct a plane quatric model for E, with respect to which $O$ and $P$ are the two points (valuations) at infinity. Let
$x = \frac{w+b}{v-a}, y = 2v+a - (\frac{w+b}{v-a})^2$
after "some algebra" they have
where $c=-4A-3a^2$.
Later they assert that there are two points at infinity $P$ and $O$.
If we look only at last equation we can get only one infinity point -- again (0:1:0). The second should arrive somehow from the map, but I don't understand how.
So the question is: how to explain existence of two points on infinity after change of variables? And how to calculate points on infinity in general case? And how to interpret map between projective varieties in terms of map of affine varieties (like in this case)?