(First time asking question on this forum so please kindly let me know if this is out of scope/inappropriate etc.)
I have a problem that leads me to the following quadratic system of PDEs:-
$ c_1 w_q (\partial_tw_q) + c_2 w_q (\partial_xw_q) + c_3 (\partial_{x}w_q)^2 +c_4 w_q (\partial_{xx}w_q) + c_5 (w_q)^2 + c_6 w_q w_{q-1} = 0\; \forall q \in \mathbb{N} $
with $w_q(T,x)=1$ and $w_0(t,x) = 1$, $t \in [0,T] \subset \mathbb{R}$ and $c_1 = 1;\;\; c_2,c_5 \in \mathbb{R};\;\; c_3<0;\;\;c_4,c_6>0$
I would like to find the series of solutions $w_q(t,x) \;\forall q \in \mathbb{N}$.
I would have really liked this to work out into a linear system of PDEs but i'm having no luck at all. I've read something about Quadratic Differential Systems but all the sources seem to be dealing with quadratic systems of ODEs.
Has anyone encountered anything similar or is my system too exotic to have been considered in the literature? (or just my lack of erudition!) In addition to solutions, would appreciate pointers to relevant materials, keywords or even wild ideas that I should look at.