I am currently sketching a paper in the general area of symbolic dynamics in which I would like to be able to use the following fact:
Proposition (proposed): there exists a shift-invariant measure $\mu$ on $\{0,1\}^{\mathbb{Z}}$ such that $\mu$ is weak-mixing and has zero entropy with respect to the shift, and such that $$\mu\left(\left\{(x_i)\in \{0,1\}^{\mathbb{Z}} \colon x_0=0\right\}\right)=\mu\left(\left\{(x_i)\in \{0,1\}^{\mathbb{Z}} \colon x_0=1\right\}\right)=\frac{1}{2}.$$ I would like to know if anyone can suggest a reference to an article or textbook which proves that such a measure exists, or failing that if anyone can think of a very quick and crisp proof.
My grounds for believing that the above proposition should be true are that in the set of all shift-invariant probability measures on $\{0,1\}^{\mathbb{Z}}$ equipped with the weak-* topology, there is a dense $G_\delta$ subset all of whose elements are weak-mixing and have zero entropy (see my earlier question for details). It would be somewhat bizarre if this residual set somehow completely missed the one-codimensional affine subspace of measures satisfying the above equation.
(It is not hard to show that there are weak-mixing, zero-entropy measures for which the two quantities in the above equation are arbitrarily close to one half, or to construct weak-mixing measures which satisfy the above equation and have arbitrarily small entropy, but I would like to be able to go the whole distance. I am indifferent to the matter of whether or not $\mu$ is also strong-mixing, but in order to have zero entropy it is well-known that it cannot be Bernoulli or Kolmogorov.)
Edited to add: all of the answers given below have been extremely helpful. After some thought I have decided to accept Tom's answer since in my opinion it most exactly answers the question as specified, but this is not to overlook the fact that Anthony and RW's answers are also very educational and are somewhat broader in their implications.