The ordinary Thom isomorphism says $H^{*+n}(E,E_{0}) \simeq H^{*}(X)$, where $E$ is a vector bundle over $X$ and $E_{0}$ is $E$ minus the zero section. Now assume that $S$ is a non vanishing section for the vector bundle $E$. In each fiber $E_{x}$ we remove two points $0_{x}$ and $S(x)$. Then we put $E_{0,1}$for the union of all 2-points punctured fibers.
Motivating by the ordinary Thom isomorphism, my question is
What should be a relevant right side of the following equality(equivalency):
\begin{equation} H^{*+n}(E,E_{0,1}) \simeq \;? \end{equation}
What should be a generalized Thom class?
Does this right side depend on choosing a particular non vanishing section $S$?
It is obvious that we can generalize the main question to multi- point punctured fibers. That is, assume we have m sections $S_{1},\ldots ,S_{m}$ such that we have m distinct vector $S_{1}(x),\ldots,S_{m}(x)$. We remove these m ponts from each fiber $E_{x}$we denote the resulting total space by $E_{1,2,\ldots m}$. We search for a relevant right side for:
\begin{equation} H^{*+n}(E,E_{1,2, \ldots, m})=? \end{equation}