This kind of problem usually requires a little algebraic number theory. Joe Silverman sketches one possible approach in the comments. Here is another. Let's rewrite as
If $n$ is even then the left-hand side is a difference of two squares, which quickly gives a contradiction. So write $n=2m+1$. Then
(2y+5^m \sqrt{5})(2y-5^m \sqrt{5})=-1.
Thus $2y+5^m \sqrt{5}$ is a unit in $\mathbb{Z}[(1+\sqrt{5})/2]$. A fundamental unit is $\epsilon=(-1+\sqrt{5})/2$. It follows that
2y+5^m \sqrt{5}=\pm \epsilon^{t}.
2y-5^m \sqrt{5}=\pm \mu^t, \qquad \mu=(-1+\sqrt{5})/2.
Taking differences and dividing by $\pm \sqrt{5}$ we have
\pm 2 \cdot 5^m= \frac{\epsilon^t-\mu^t}{\sqrt{5}}.
The right-hand side is the $t$-th Fibonacci number. Thus the equation becomes
F_t=\pm 2 \cdot 5^m.
Let's rule out the case $m \ge 1$, which leaves you with $F_t= \pm 2$. If $m \ge 1$ then $F_t \equiv 0 \pmod{10}$. Now write out the Fibonacci sequence modulo $10$ and convince yourself that this forces $t \equiv 0 \pmod{15}$. But then $F_{15} \mid F_t$. However, $F_{15}=2 \cdot 5 \cdot 61$, which does not divide $2 \cdot 5^m$, giving a contradiction.