If a matrix can be constructed with simple bit-logic operations, is it also possible to find Eigenvalues with logic?
First I'll just say that my knowledge of logic is pretty much limited to programming experience, nor am I particularly seasoned with the computational limitations of analysing large matrices - this is an idea I'm coming across whilst pondering a QM system. I will, however, abstract as much of that as I can and get to the roots of my problem.
I am poking around at a large matrix (with dimension $2^{N} \times 2^{N}$). The matrix is made up of sums of kronecker products of identical pauli matrices (i.e. $X_3X_7 + 2Z_6Z_{10} + 3Y_{11}Y_{12} + ...$) corresponding to specific interactions between spin-1/2 particles at certain points on a finite Hexagonal lattice to explore edge effects. The basis, here, is the set of $2^N$ combinations of $N$ binary numbers, and $X_i$ refers to flipping the $i^\text{th}$ bit (from the right) of a state.
What I've been toying around with is making the construction of this matrix more efficient than using explicit tensor products. It is fairly evident that the matrix elements of $X_iX_j$ have a logical relationship by their mapping of state $|...a...b...\rangle$ to state $|...(\lnot a)...(\lnot b)...\rangle$ (where particles i and j are in initial state a and b respectively). In other words, $(X_iX_j)_{\alpha\beta} = (2^i \text{ XOR } \alpha == 2^j \text{ XOR } \beta)$, where of course only one such $\beta$ exists for each $\alpha$ ($\beta = \alpha \text{ XOR } 2^i \text{ XOR } 2^j$)
As such, the matrix can be constructed in comparatively little time for reasonable $N$, but obviously gets out of hand very quickly as $N$ increases.
There does, however, exist the (not so small) problem that such a matrix requires a lot of computing power to diagonalise - which is what I'm trying to do. However, the matrix itself is build entirely from strictly logical relationships - is it thus possible to implicitly find Eigenvalues of it, without realising it as a matrix in the first place?
I would immediately assume that the answer is no - and writing it out now makes me think it's a bit of a dumb question in the first place. However, I would be interested to see if anyone has any ideas.