Let $d$ be an integer $\geq 2$, and let $\Omega = \lbrace 0,1 \rbrace^d$, $A \subseteq \lbrace 0,1 \rbrace^2 $ and $i,j$ integers with $1 \leq i < j \leq d$. If we select an element $(x_1,x_2, \ldots, x_d)$ in $\Omega$ randomly, the probability $p(\Omega,i,j,A)$ that $(x_i,x_j)\in A$ is exactly $\frac{|A|}{4}$.
If $\Omega'$ is a subset ("sample") of $\Omega$, we may similarly define $p(\Omega',i,j,A)$. We say that $\Omega'$ is an efficient substitute for $\Omega$ if $p(\Omega',i,j,A)=p(\Omega,i,j,A)$ for all $i,j$ and $A$.
We denote by $f(d)$ the smallest possible size for an efficient substitute for $\Omega$. We have the trivial bound $f(d) \leq 2^d$ (take $\Omega'=\Omega$) and , for example, $f(3)=4$ (take $\Omega'=\lbrace (x,y,x+y-2xy) |(x,y) \in \lbrace 0,1 \rbrace^2 \rbrace$). What is the value of $f(d)$ in general?