The encyclopedia of integer sequences gives the following criteria for a number being a non-solvable number:
A positive integer n is a non-solvable number if and only if it is a multiple of any of the following numbers:
a) $2^p (2^{2p}-1)$, p any prime.
b) $3^p (3^{2p}-1)/2$, p odd prime.
c) $p(p^2-1)/2$, p prime greater than 3 and congruent to 2 or 3 mod 5
d) $2^4 3^3 13$
e) $2^{2p}(2^{2p}+1)(2^p-1)$, p odd prime.
It's not hard to check that all these orders are divisible by 4, so there will never be two non-solvable numbers differing by less than 4.
In fact, they're all divisible by 12 except those generated by (e), which are all divisible by 20.
So, for example, all numbers of the form 29120n are nonsolvable, since $29120 = 2^6 (2^6+1) (2^3-1)$. And all numbers of the form 25308n are nonsolvable, since $25308 = 37(37^2-1)/2$. We have the prime factorizations $25308 = 2^2 3^2 19^1 37^1$ and $29120 = 2^6 5^1 7^1 13^1$.
So we just need to find multiples of 29120 and 25308 which differ by 4. From the Euclidean algorithm, $29120 \cdot 2483 = 72304960$ and $25308 \cdot 2857 = 72304956$.
I haven't searched exhaustively, so it's possible that there's a smaller pair of non-solvable numbers that differ by 4; I chose 25308 and 29120 by just looking at the prime factorizations of the numbers generated by (a) through (e) until I found two that had gcd 4.