Is there a clear inconsistency with the following?
There exists a countable transitive model of Zermelo set theory, such that for all external bijections between sets the images and preimages of sets under them are sets.
$\exists M: (M \models \mathsf Z) \land |M|=\omega \land \forall x \in M \, (x \subset M) \land \\ \forall f: \exists x,y \in M \, (f:x \to y \land \operatorname {bijection}(f)) \to \forall a \in M \, ( f[a]\in M \land f^{-1}[a] \in M)$
Where: $f[a]=\{f(x) \mid x \in a\} \\ f^{-1}[a]= \{x \mid f(x) \in a\}$