Given an integer $n \geq 4$, consider the Weyl groups $W(B_n)$ and $W(D_n)$ of types $B_n$ and $D_n$, respectively, and consider their representation theory over the field of complex numbers.
The Weyl group $W(B_n)$ is the wreath product $C_2 \wr S_n = C_2^n \rtimes S_n$ of the cyclic group $C_2 = \{\pm 1\}$ and the symmetric group $S_n$. The group $W(B_n)$ is equipped with two "sign" homomorphisms:
- $sgn: W(B_n) \to \{\pm 1\}$ is trivial on $C_2^n$ and equal to the usual sign homomorphism on $S_n$.
- $\overline{sgn}: W(B_n) \to \{\pm 1\}$ is trivial on $S_n$ and acts on $C_2^n = \{\pm 1\}^n$ by multiplying the factors together.
The irreducible $W(B_n)$-modules are parameterized by bi-partitions $(\lambda,\mu)$ of $n$, i.e., ordered pairs of partitions $\lambda$ and $\mu$ such that $|\lambda|+|\mu| = n$. If $V^{(\lambda,\mu)}$ is the irreducible module labeled by the bi-partition $(\lambda,\mu)$, then one has
- $V^{(\lambda,\mu)} \otimes sgn \cong V^{(\lambda',\mu')}$, where $\lambda'$ and $\mu'$ are the partitions that are transpose to $\lambda$ and $\mu$, respectively, and
- $V^{(\lambda,\mu)} \otimes \overline{sgn} = V^{(\mu,\lambda)}$.
The Weyl group $W(D_n)$ is equal to the index-2 subgroup $\ker(\overline{sgn})$. This implies that:
- If $\lambda \neq \mu$, then $V^{(\lambda,\mu)}$ and $V^{(\mu,\lambda)}$ are isomorphic and irreducible as $W(D_n)$-modules.
- If $(\lambda,\lambda)$ is a bi-partition of $n$, then $V^{(\lambda,\lambda)}$ decomposes as a $W(D_n)$-module into a direct sum $V^{(\lambda,\lambda)^+} \oplus V^{(\lambda,\lambda)^-}$ of two non-isomorphic, conjugate, irreducible $W(D_n)$-modules.
- Every irreducible $W(D_n)$-module is uniquely of one of the preceding forms, subject only to the $W(D_n)$-module isomorphism $V^{(\lambda,\mu)} \cong V^{(\mu,\lambda)}$ if $\lambda \neq \mu$.
The sign homomorphism $sgn$ restricts to a homomorphism on $W(D_n)$. What is the effect of tensoring with this sign representation on the irreducible $W(D_n)$-modules of the form $V^{(\lambda,\lambda)^+}$ and $V^{(\lambda,\lambda)^-}$?
If $\lambda \neq \lambda'$, then up to relabeling one could assume that $V^{(\lambda,\lambda)^+} \otimes sgn \cong V^{(\lambda',\lambda')^+}$ and $V^{(\lambda,\lambda)^-} \otimes sgn \cong V^{(\lambda',\lambda')^-}$, but what happens when $\lambda = \lambda'$? One must have either
- $V^{(\lambda,\lambda)^+} \otimes sgn \cong V^{(\lambda,\lambda)^+}$, or
- $V^{(\lambda,\lambda)^+} \otimes sgn \cong V^{(\lambda,\lambda)^-}$,
i.e., tensoring with $sgn$ either leaves the $W(D_n)$-constituents of $V^{(\lambda,\lambda)}$ fixed (up to isomorphism), or it swaps the constituents. Is there a known criterion, in terms of $\lambda$, for determining which situation is which?