Given two oriented, smoothly-embedded copies of $S^3$ in $S^4$ (called Schoenflies spheres), one can take an oriented connect-sum of the pairs $(S^4, M_1) \# (S^4, M_2)$. This puts a monoidal structure on the isotopy classes of Schoenflies spheres, with the unit being the linearly embedded $S^3 \to S^4$.
I know only one proof that this monoid is a group in the literature. I'm wondering if there are any others?
i.e. I'm looking for a published proof that pre-dates 2019. I strongly suspect one exists, but if I've seen it, I've forgotten.
Bonus question (but does not need to be answered), are there any analogous results for the monoidal structure on smooth structures on $S^4$ using the oriented connect-sum operation? For this, I suspect the answer is no.