Let $M$ be a smooth Riemanniann manifold. For $\varepsilon \geq 0$ we call an $\varepsilon$-geodesic (I am not sure that this is a standard name) a smooth map $$\gamma\colon [a,b]\to M$$ such that for any $t\in [a,b]$ there is a neighborhood $[u,v]$ of $t$ such that for any $x,y\in [u,v]$ one has $$(1-\varepsilon)dist_M(\gamma(x),\gamma(y))\leq length[\gamma(x),\gamma(y)]\leq (1+\varepsilon)dist_M(\gamma(x),\gamma(y)),$$ where in the middle one has the length of the path $\gamma$ between the points $x$ and $y$, and $dist_M$ denotes the distance in $M$.
Note that $0$-geodesics are the usual geodesics.
Given a point $p\in M$, does there exist a neighborhood $U$ of $p$ and positive $\varepsilon >0$ such that there are no closed $\varepsilon$-geodesics contained in $U$?
Remark. For $\varepsilon=0$ this result is well known (the injectivity radius is positive).