First of all, my knowledge of operator algebras (and functional analysis) is very superficial, so sorry if the answer is actually well-known.
Let $X$ be a locally compact Hausdorff groupoid (or Lie groupoid). One can, then, define $C := C^* (X, A)$ through convolution of functions from $X_1$ to some ring $A$ (I'm ok with just $\mathbb{C}$ here).
Question: Can one recover $X$ back from $C$ (maybe up to Morita equivalence)?
The above definition seems to make sense too for increased categorical dimension, i.e., $n$-groupoids. See, for instance, . There are also other possible choices of geometry by taking internal ($n$)-groupoids inside other categories. For instance, one can still talk about algebraic or (internal or not) localic $n$-groupoids and maybe construct a convolution algebra as long as a notion of Haar measure makes sense.
Extra question: Any idea about the case of $n$-groupoids internal to any of the mentioned above categories (topological, differentiable, algebraic etc) even if it's just something conjectural?
Thanks in advance.