Algebraic theories (by which I mean the formalism based on bijective-on-objects functors) and abstract clones both capture universal algebraic structure, and are well-known to be equivalent. Algebraic theories were introduced in the Lawvere's 1963 thesis Functorial Semantics of Algebraic Theories; while abstract clones were seemingly first defined in Cohn's 1965 Universal algebra and attributed to Hall. The two therefore appeared in the literature at similar times. Though Cohn mentions that Hall lectured on universal algebra between 1947 – 1951, he does not mention whether abstract clones were defined there. In neither source does Lawvere or Cohn mention the other's work, though it is observed at least as early as Linton's 1966 Some aspects of equational categories that the two are closely related.
Is there any evidence to suggest either definition was inspired by the other, or that these were invented entirely independently?