While reading "Chain conditions, elementary amenable groups, and descriptive set theory" by Phillip Wesolek and Jay William I stumbled upon the following statement in the proof of Lemma $4.8$:
Given a sequence of (countable) groups $\{A_i\}_{i \in \mathbb{N}}$, there exists a $2$-generated group $A$ which contains every $A_i$ and every proper subgroup of $A$ is infinite cyclic, infinite dihedral or contained in a conjugate of some $A_i$.
This is supposed to be a consequence of Theorem $2$ in "Efficient embeddings of countable groups" by A. Y. Olshanskii (Moscow Univ. Math. Bull. 44 (1989), no. 2,39–49) and even though I found the paper on mathnet.ru, it turned out to be in Russian which I cannot comprehend. I was unable to find a translation.
It would be great if anyone knows another source where I can find this construction (or one that fits the statement) or if someone knows the construction and is willing to explain it to me.