I am trying to compute a space of co-invariants.
$N$ is the subgroup of $GL_2(Q_p)$ of upper triangular matrices with $1$'s on the diagonal
$E$ is a finite extension of $Q_p$, with ring of integers $\mathcal{O}_E$ and uniformizer $\varpi_E$, and $A$ is an artinian ring of the form : $\mathcal{O}_E / \varpi_E^n \mathcal{O}_E$.
I am considering the space $\mathcal{C}^{sm}_c(N,A)$ of compactly supported smooth functions on $N$, with the action of $N$ by right translation.
My problem is to show that $\mathcal{C}^{sm}_c(N,A)_N = 0$ (the space of coinvariants).
As I am not familiar with coinvariant computations I don't see how to show it. Any idea (or reference maybe) ?
Thanks, Julien