Our university has an Honors section of our "liberal arts mathematics" course. Typically 10-20 students enroll each Fall, with most of them extremely bright, but lacking the interest and/or mathematics background of many of the students we usually see in calculus.
I've taught this section twice already: once using the really good book on voting and apportionment methods by Jonathan Hodge (and coauthor I can't immediately recall, sorry)and Richard Klima, and another topology course centered around Jeff Weeks' The Shape of Space.
Next Fall, however, I'd like to run more of a reading seminar course, in which students read and discuss several shorter books and papers aimed at a general audience. I'm having trouble however coming up with a good list of titles. So far I'm thinking of Flatland and Innumeracy. Not bad choices, but I was hoping for some more "mathematical" readings.
Any suggestions of books and/or papers? Maybe some specific expository articles in the MAA's Monthly?