How can I determine the integer points of a given elliptic curve if I know its rank and its torsion group?
I read same basic books on elliptic curves but as a non-professional I didn't understand everything. Is it true that if rank is 0 and torsion group is isomorphic to a group of order $n$ then the number of integer points is $n-1$? And what is a good reference to learn to determine the integer points if the rank is positive?
I tried to read the book Rational Points on Elliptic Curves but I didn't found an explicit algorithm. I just heard something like take some point and use group law to find the rest. But how can I be sure that I have found every point?
The curve I had on my mind is $2x^3 + 385x^2 + 256x - 58195 = 3y^2$. I'm not even sure if this is an elliptic curve. I mean why it is projective and why it is isomorphic to a closed subvariety of $\mathbb{P}_{\mathbb{Q}}^2$? And why it contain the priviledged rational point $(0,1,0)$?