Let $\mathcal{U}_n$ denote the set of unrooted unlabelled trees with $n$ edges. For $T\in\mathcal{U}_n$, let $1^{u_1}2^{u_2}\cdots n^{u_n}$ be its degree distribution, that is, $u_i=\#$ of vertices having $\deg i$ so that $\sum_i u_i=n+1$ amd $\sum_i iu_i=2n$, and let $\ell(T)$ be the number of labelled trees whose underlying tree is $T$.
QUESTION. Is this true? $$\sum_{T\in\mathcal{U}_n}\, \ell(T)\cdot 1!^{u_1}2!^{u_2}\cdots n!^{u_n}=n!\cdot \frac1{2n+1}\binom{3n}n.$$
Remark. Hence, $n$-edge trees on the left correspond to $3n$-edge trees on the right.
My thanks goes to Sam Hopkins, Ilya Bogdanov and Fedor Petrov for instructive and beautiful ideas for the variety of proofs. These help every reader.