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Became Hot Network Question
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David Gao
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Let X$X$ be a set of sequences of real numbers that converge to zero with the property that forfor any unbounded sequence of real numbers (y_n)$(y_n)$, there is a sequence (x_n)$(x_n)$ in X$X$ for which the coordinatewise product (x_ny_n)$(x_ny_n)$ is unbounded. That is, the sequence (x_n)$(x_n)$ detects the unboundedness of (y_n)$(y_n)$. Such a set X$X$ has a uniform boundedness property: any sequence (y_n) for$(y_n)$ for which (x_ny_n)$(x_ny_n)$ is bounded for all (x_n)$(x_n)$ in X$X$ must be bounded. My

My questions are: what is the smallest possible cardinality of the set X$X$? Also, if we take the linear span of X$X$, what is the smallest possible algebraic dimension of span(X)$\text{span}(X)$?

Let X be a set of sequences of real numbers that converge to zero with the property that for any unbounded sequence of real numbers (y_n), there is a sequence (x_n) in X for which the coordinatewise product (x_ny_n) is unbounded. That is, the sequence (x_n) detects the unboundedness of (y_n). Such a set X has a uniform boundedness property: any sequence (y_n) for which (x_ny_n) is bounded for all (x_n) in X must be bounded. My questions are: what is the smallest possible cardinality of the set X? Also, if we take the linear span of X, what is the smallest possible algebraic dimension of span(X)?

Let $X$ be a set of sequences of real numbers that converge to zero with the property that for any unbounded sequence of real numbers $(y_n)$, there is a sequence $(x_n)$ in $X$ for which the coordinatewise product $(x_ny_n)$ is unbounded. That is, the sequence $(x_n)$ detects the unboundedness of $(y_n)$. Such a set $X$ has a uniform boundedness property: any sequence $(y_n)$ for which $(x_ny_n)$ is bounded for all $(x_n)$ in $X$ must be bounded.

My questions are: what is the smallest possible cardinality of the set $X$? Also, if we take the linear span of $X$, what is the smallest possible algebraic dimension of $\text{span}(X)$?

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Boundedness of sequences and cardinality

Let X be a set of sequences of real numbers that converge to zero with the property that for any unbounded sequence of real numbers (y_n), there is a sequence (x_n) in X for which the coordinatewise product (x_ny_n) is unbounded. That is, the sequence (x_n) detects the unboundedness of (y_n). Such a set X has a uniform boundedness property: any sequence (y_n) for which (x_ny_n) is bounded for all (x_n) in X must be bounded. My questions are: what is the smallest possible cardinality of the set X? Also, if we take the linear span of X, what is the smallest possible algebraic dimension of span(X)?