Suppose $A$ and $B$ are two $n\times n$$n \times n$ real symmetric matrices., and $A$ is positive semidefinite. Then forFor what values of real number $k$,$k \in \mathbb R$ is matrix $(kA-B)$ is$kA-B$ positive semidefinite (we write as $kA-B\succeq0$$kA-B \succeq 0$)?
If $A$ is positive definite, we may find an $n\times n$$n \times n$ nonsingular matrix $D$ such that $A=D^T D$$A = D^T D$. As a result, $kA-B\succeq0$$kA-B \succeq 0$ is equivalent to $$kI\succeq (D^{-1})^TBD^{-1},$$$$kI \succeq (D^{-1})^T B D^{-1}$$ or $k\geq \lambda_{\max}((D^{-1})^TBD^{-1}))$.$$k \geq \lambda_{\max}((D^{-1})^TBD^{-1}))$$
But how to deal with the situation when $A$ is singular (butbut still positive semidefinite)?
I know for certain that in this case we must impose additional constraintconstraints on matrix $B$. In particular, let the columns of matrix $N$ consist of a basis of the null space of $A$, then we must have that $N^T B N \preceq 0$ (i.e., $N^T B N$ is negative semidefinite). But what is the lower bound on $k$?