I'm not sure if this question is too elementary for MO; nevertheless, I have seen many helpful discussions surrounding this topic here. I'm interested in studying the adjunction $\operatorname{Spec}\dashv\Gamma$ for schemes through Isbell duality. As I understand it, Isbell duality relates appropriate "algebraic" and "geometric" categories via the following construction (see 1).
Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a (coextensive by 1, so $\mathcal{A}^\text{op}$ is extensive) category, and $\mathcal{B}$ a (Cartesian, to form ring objects) category. If there exists a dualizing object $\mathbb{A}$ for $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$, consider the functors $$\underline{\operatorname{hom}}_{\mathcal{B}}(-,\mathbb{A}):\mathcal{B}\longrightarrow\mathcal{A}^\text{op}$$ and $$\underline{\operatorname{hom}}_{\mathcal{A}}(-,\mathbb{A}):\mathcal{A}^\text{op}\longrightarrow\mathcal{B}.$$ For "nice enough" categories, we can realize an adjunction $\underline{\operatorname{hom}}_{\mathcal{B}}(-,\mathbb{A})\dashv\underline{\operatorname{hom}}_{\mathcal{A}}(-,\mathbb{A})$ by taking the unit $\eta$ and counit $\epsilon$ as evaluation. This construction induces an equivalence of categories between those $X$ for which $\eta_X$ is an isomorphism and $A$ for which $\epsilon_A$ is an isomorphism.
This construction (pulling from 2) allows us to recover Gelfand duality $C^*\mathsf{Alg}_{\text{com}}^\text{op}\leftrightarrows\mathsf{Top}_\text{cpt}$, the equivalence of affine varieties over $k=\overline{k}$ and finitely generated integral domains (over $k$), and Stone duality, among others.
My question stems from the following realization. In each of these cases, the dualizing object in $\mathcal{B}$ is realized as the internalization of an "$\mathcal{A}$-type object" to $\mathcal{B}$. Indeed, Gelfand duality stems from considering the $\mathbb{C}$-algebra object $\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{C}$ in $\mathsf{Top}_\text{cpt}$$\mathsf{Top}$, Stone duality comes from regarding the Sierpinski space $\{0,1\}$ as a frame, and our "affine-geometric duality" follows from regarding $\mathbb{A}^1_k$ as a ring object in $\mathsf{Aff}_k$.
However, in the category of schemes, there does not seem to be a "natural" commutative ring to consider dual (that is, to represent the functor $\mathsf{CRing}^\text{op}\longrightarrow \mathsf{Sch}$) to the affine line $\mathbb{A}^1=\operatorname{Spec}(\mathbb{Z}[x])$, which of course we can equip with a ring object structure (see 3 for more details).
Thus, is there a way that we can see the adjunction $\operatorname{Spec}\dashv\Gamma$ through Isbell duality, without appealing to dualizing objects? If possible, I'd love to see how this duality is expressed for (complex) analytic spaces. Thank you for any help or clarification.
1: Why is there a duality between spaces and commutative algebras?
3: Dualizing object in the duality between commutative rings and affine schemes