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The right-hand side of the identity is a $q$-series $\frac{(q^i,q^{2k+1-i},q^{2k+1};q^k)_\infty}{(q;q)_\infty}$$\frac{(q^i,q^{2k+1-i},q^{2k+1};q^{2k+1})_\infty}{(q;q)_\infty}$; is there a reference of its modularity? As Somos's answer to Modular forms and the Roger-Ramanujan identities: How?? suggests, the case of $k=i=2$ is already not a trivial consequence of "expressing it as an eta-quotient".

The right-hand side of the identity is a $q$-series $\frac{(q^i,q^{2k+1-i},q^{2k+1};q^k)_\infty}{(q;q)_\infty}$; is there a reference of its modularity? As Somos's answer to Modular forms and the Roger-Ramanujan identities: How?? suggests, the case of $k=i=2$ is already not a trivial consequence of "expressing it as an eta-quotient".

The right-hand side of the identity is a $q$-series $\frac{(q^i,q^{2k+1-i},q^{2k+1};q^{2k+1})_\infty}{(q;q)_\infty}$; is there a reference of its modularity? As Somos's answer to Modular forms and the Roger-Ramanujan identities: How?? suggests, the case of $k=i=2$ is already not a trivial consequence of "expressing it as an eta-quotient".

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Reference for modularity of the Andrews--Gordon--Rogers--RamanujanAndrews–Gordon–Rogers–Ramanujan identities?

The right-hand side of the identity is a $q$-series $\frac{(q^i,q^{2k+1-i},q^{2k+1};q^k)_\infty}{(q;q)_\infty}$; is there a reference of its modularity? As the answerSomos's answer to forms and the Roger-howRamanujan identities: How?? suggests, the case of $k=i=2$ is already not a trivial consequence of "expressing it as an eta-quotient".

Reference for modularity of the Andrews--Gordon--Rogers--Ramanujan identities?

The right-hand side of the identity is a $q$-series $\frac{(q^i,q^{2k+1-i},q^{2k+1};q^k)_\infty}{(q;q)_\infty}$; is there a reference of its modularity? As the answer suggests, the case of $k=i=2$ is already not a trivial consequence of "expressing it as an eta-quotient".

Reference for modularity of the Andrews–Gordon–Rogers–Ramanujan identities?

The right-hand side of the identity is a $q$-series $\frac{(q^i,q^{2k+1-i},q^{2k+1};q^k)_\infty}{(q;q)_\infty}$; is there a reference of its modularity? As Somos's answer to Modular forms and the Roger-Ramanujan identities: How?? suggests, the case of $k=i=2$ is already not a trivial consequence of "expressing it as an eta-quotient".

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The right-hand side of the identity is a $q$-series $\frac{(q^i,q^{2k+1-i},q^{2k+1};q^k)_\infty}{(q;q)_\infty}$; is there a reference of its modularity? As the answer suggests, the case of $k=i=2$ is already not a trivial consequence of "expressing it as an eta-quotient".

The right-hand side of the identity is a $q$-series $\frac{(q^i,q^{2k+1-i},q^{2k+1};q^k)_\infty}{(q;q)_\infty}$; is there a reference of its modularity? As the answer suggests, the case of $k=i=2$ is not a trivial consequence of "expressing it as an eta-quotient".

The right-hand side of the identity is a $q$-series $\frac{(q^i,q^{2k+1-i},q^{2k+1};q^k)_\infty}{(q;q)_\infty}$; is there a reference of its modularity? As the answer suggests, the case of $k=i=2$ is already not a trivial consequence of "expressing it as an eta-quotient".

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