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Friedrich Knop
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The maximal subgroups of a finite solvable group

$\DeclareMathOperator\Syl{Syl}$$G$ is a finite solvable group and $G=Q\rtimes(P\times R)$, where $P\in \Syl_{p}(G)$ with $P$ is cyclic, $Q\in \Syl_{q}(G)$ with $Q$ is normal elementary abelian, $R\in \Syl_{2}(G)$ with $|R|=2$. Furthermore, $C_{P}(R)=P$ and $C_{Q}(R)=1$.

Let $M_1$ be a maximal subgroup of $PQ$. By the solvability of $G$, we have that $p\mid|PQ:M_1|$ or $q\mid|PQ:M_1|$. If $p\mid|PQ:M_1|$, then $Q\leq M_1$. Can we get that $M_1\unlhd G$ when $p\mid|PQ:M_1|$?