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In playing around with some formulas, I have come up with the following conjecture. I have checked it for a lot of cases, and have good reason to believe it to be true. If anyone could help, I would sincerely appreciate it, and I would be happy to include as co-author.
Some notation:
The exponent $R(i)$ means the formal raising by $2$s for $i$ terms. For example, $(k-7)^{R(3)} = (k-7)(k-5)(k-3)$.
The exponent $D(i)$ means the formal descending by $2$s for $i$ terms. For example, $k^{D(4)} = (k)(k-2)(k-4)(k-6)$.
$k^{D(1)}:=k$, $k^{D(0)}:=1$ and $k^{D(-1)}:=\frac{1}{k+2}$.
!! denotes the double factorial, for example $9!! =$
$B_i$ denotes the ith Bernoulli number, with the convention that $B_1 = 1/2$.
In what follows, $M$ is a positive odd integer bigger than or equal to $3$, $k$ is a formal variable. For a given odd $M\geq 3$, the following is a polynomial in $k$. My conjecture is that it has roots $1,3,5,.., M-2$.
For example, when $M=3$, we get
$$\binom{2}{1}[(k-1)^{R(1)}+1!!]B_{1}k^{D(0)}+\binom{2}{2}[(k-1)^{R(2)}-3!!]B_{0}[k^{D(-1)}] $$
$$=2[k]B_1+[(k-1)(k+1)-3]\frac{B_0}{k+2}, $$ which has a root of $1$.
When $M=5$ we get
Putting $k=1$ gives
$$-3B_2-9B_1+5B_0 = 0,$$
putting $k=3$ gives
$$9B_2-9B_1+3B_0 = 0.$$
As another examples, when $M=9$ we get
$$ \binom{5}{1}[(k-7)+1]B_4[(k)(k-2)(k-4)] + \binom{5}{2}[(k-7)(k-5)-1.3]B_3[k(k-2)] + \binom{5}{3}[(k-7)(k-5)(k-3)+1.3.5]B_2[k] + \binom{5}{4}[(k-7)(k-5)(k-3)(k-1)-]B_1 + \binom{5}{5}[(k-7)(k-5)(k-3)(k-1)(k+1)+]\frac{B_0}{k+2}$$
Putting $k=7$, using that $B_3=0$ and factoring out, we get
$$\binom{5}{1}B_4+\binom{5}{3}B_2-\binom{5}{4}B_1+\binom{5}{5}B_0 = -\frac{5}{30}+\frac{10}{6}-\frac{5}{2}+1 = 0$$
In special cases the conjecture boils down to well known identities involving Bernoulli numbers and binomial coefficients. I would appreciate an elementary proof, but really anything will do. Perhaps someone into combinatorics or generating functions can help? Thanks again.