i am currently reading the Probabilistic robotics book where the filters are discussed. Such filters as kalman filter or particle filters. Now I can understand one thing while reading about the Kalman filter. First I want to say that I could successfully understand about Bayes filtering. I've read some of theory of random processes and I can understand it. Let me give you some details about the problem, if you think it is not sufficient I will give more. Who knows about that book I write here the page: it is about Kalman filter at page 41. Let me not to explaing the whole problem, I hope the reader could be able to understand it as it is related with Kalman filtering. However I will write more if it is needed.
- The state transition probability $p(x_t|u_t, x_{t-1})$ must be a linear function in its arguments with added Gaussian noise. This is expressed by the following equation: $$x_t = A_t x_{t-1} + B_t u_t + \epsilon_t (1)$$ $x_t$ and $x_{t-1}$ are state vectors, and $u_t$ is a control vector at time $t$. $\epsilon_t$ is a gaussian noise.
Also it is given the definition of multivariant normal distribution: $$p(x) = det\left(2\pi\Sigma\right)^{-1/2}exp\left(-1/2(x-\mu)^T\Sigma^{-1}(x-\mu)\right) (2)$$ Where the $\mu$ and $\Sigma$ are the mean and covariance. The $x_t$ and $u_t$ are of the form: $$x_t = \left(x_{1,t}, x_{2,t}, ..., x_{n,t}\right)^T$$ $$u_t = \left(u_{1,t}, u_{2,t}, ..., u_{m,t}\right)^T$$ So it is said that in order to obatain the state transition probability $p(x_t|u_t, x_{t-1})$ you need to plugg the equation $(1)$ to the multivariant normal distribution (2).
Ok, I got that, but it is also written there that (here is the problem): The mean of the posterior state is given by: $A_tx_{t-1}+B_tu_t$ and the covariance by $R_t$ What I can't understand is that how does the mean in the multivariant normal distribution equation $(2)$ is calculated to $A_tx_{t-1}+B_tu_t$? The whole formula affter plugging $(1)$ to $(2)$ become: $$p(x_t|u_t, x_{t-1}) = det\left(2\pi R_t\right)^{-1/2}exp\left(-1/2(x_t-A_tx_{t-1}-B_tu_t)^TR_t^{-1}(x_t-A_tx_{t-1}-B_tu_t)\right) $$
I think that the mean of $x_t$ should be calculated like this: $$E{x_t} = E(A_tx_{t-1}+B_tu_t+\epsilon_t)$$ $$E{x_t} = A_tE(x_{t-1})+E(B_tu_t)$$ And I can't understand anyway how does the $Ex_t$ is equal to $A_tx_{t-1}+B_tu_t$ If you see any mistakes in my reasoning please tell me. If you need more details please comment this question for that. Thank you very much! Hope you help!
From book it is said that Kalman Filter (KF) is an implementation of Bayes Filter(BF). I understood BF. Actually it calculates belief $bel(x_t)$ at time $t$ from belief at time $t-1$. BF algorithm:
For all $x_t$:
$$\hat{bel}(x_t) = \int{p(x_t|u_t, x_{t-1})bel(x_{t-1})dx_{t-1}}$$
$$bel(x_t) = \etap(z_t|x_t)\hat{bel}(x_t)$$
$\hat{bel}(x_t) = \int{p(x_t|u_t, x_{t-1})bel(x_{t-1})dx_{t-1}}$
$bel(x_t) = \etap(z_t|x_t)\hat{bel}(x_t)$
end for
return $bel(x_t)$
So about KF: $$\hat{bel}(x_t) = \int{p(x_t|x_{t-1}, u_t)bel(x_{t-1})dx_{t-1}}$$ where $bel(x_{t-1})$ is represented by mean $\mu_{t-1}$ and covariance $\Sigma_{t-1}$ The state transition probability $p(x_t|x_{t-1}, u_t)$ is given as a normal distribution over $x_t$ with mean $A_tx_{t-1}+B_tu_t$ and covariance $R_t$.
If $x_t$ can't be observed directly, so then what is $E(x_t)$?