Lets define function T as $$T(0) = \aleph_0$$ $$T(1) = \aleph_{\aleph_0}$$ $$T(2) = \aleph_{\aleph_{\aleph_0}}$$ etc
No finite tower of alephs can reach the first inaccessible cardinal
My questions are:
Can we 'feed' infinite ordinal numbers as a parameter to function T? I read somewhere - it was about the inaccessible cardinals - that the size of the tower is countable, but is it just a limitation of the first order ZFC with finitely-sized formulas? Can generalized function T() be expressed in, say, second order ZFC?
So if there is nothing wrong with that definition of T, what is relative size of, say, $$T(\omega+1)$$ $$T(\omega^2)$$ $$T(2^{\aleph_0})$$ Are they still below the first inaccessible cardinal?
Obviously, it leads to the last question: How far can we go with it, where is the fixed point of T relative to the hierarchy of the cardinals?
Thank you