Let φ be the golden ratio, (1+√5)/2. Taking the fractional parts of its integer multiples, we obtain a sequence of values in (0,1) which are in some sense "evenly distributed" in a way which is due to the continued fraction form of φ, making the constant "as difficult as possible" to approximate using rational values (otherwise, the values in the sequence would cluster around multiples of such rational approximations). If one takes the first n values, especially if n is a Fibonacci number, they will be very evenly spaced; in fact, if n is a Fibonacci number, then the difference between two consecutive values (after ordering) is always one of two adjacent powers of φ, in correspondence with the fact that the Fibonacci numbers themselves are roughly of the form φk/√5.
Is there any related (or otherwise?) sequence of values in (0,1)d, where d > 1, which are similarly "evenly distributed"?
Edit: I've been a bit unclear about the way in which φ is "special", so I'll try to elucidate. My motivation was that, as drvitek says, φ has no "better-than-expected" rational convergents. So when nφ (mod 1) is plotted against n, not only is the entire set of residues uniformly distributed on (0,1) but also "locally" we have a roughly-uniform distribution on (0,1) × N. This property marks φ out as "special" compared with most irrational numbers. I'm afraid I'm not sure how to phrase it more precisely than that.