It has been clear in my head for a long time that I will be doing algebraic topology as a research subject. I really enjoyed all of the introductory courses, then came an introductory course on model categories. For the first time, I completely forgot why I was there, what I was doing. Now I have a lot more perspective, I know how to appreciate the benefits of this theory and I understand its motivations. However, I am still as repelled by the "obscure formal arguments" side that this theory can have. Then came a course on infinity categories/operads, which I decided to abandon before the end, telling myself that the day I need it, I will take it up calmly, having clear ideas and motivations. The reason I am describing thatall this it is to emphasize my view of mathematics as I like them: having concrete motivations for studying something, if possible coming from topological situations, and use formal and technical theories if it is appropriate. I love abstract theories but only if I can see why they are useful.
I am currently working on a master's thesis, and I will have to find a PhD before the end of the year. I am currently doing stable homotopy theory, I really like it for now despite the profusion of algebra. In particular, I'm studying Thom spectra, and I was initially very seduced by their link with the classification of manifolds up to cobordism. Also, I had for a while for project to discoverenjoyed learning this theory (stable homotopy theory) because of its power to prove concrete results ("external to the theory") such as: which spheres have multiplicative structures, how to find a good framework to compute various cobordism groups, how to properly study loop spaces, understanding the homotopy groups of spheres. I must admit that I am a little confused by the subject on which I am offered to work: is $H \mathbb Z / p^k$ an $E_n$-Thom spectrum for $ n> 2 $. It's interesting for sure, but I have no idea of the motivation to study this question, if not a motivation that I would call a "formal motivation": it is formally natural to ask this question. But I have no idea of the geometric issues that may be behind it. We are gradually moving away from Mahowald's theorem which is directly linked to the cobordism of manifolds. What's the point ?...