Let $D: I \to \mathcal C$ be a diagram, and suppose we have a colimit decomposition $I = \varinjlim_{j \in J} I_j$ in $Cat$. Then under certain conditions, we can decompose the colimit of $D$ as $\varinjlim_{i \in I} D_i = \varinjlim_{j \in J} \varinjlim_{i \in I_j} D_i$. But I've never seen general conditions along these lines spelled out for 1-categories.
Question 1: Is there some place where conditions making the above true are given in the 1-categorical setting?
For $\infty$-categories, there is Corollary of Higher Topos Theory. Unfortunately, the formulation of the result is somewhat abstruse, being formulatedexpressed in terms of the bespoke simplicial set denoted $K_F$ there (defined using 4 conditions in Notation
As a result, I'm having the following problem: it seems to me that for any cocone of $\infty$-categories $(I_j \to I)_{j \in J}$, one should be able to construct a natural map $\varinjlim_{j \in J} \varinjlim_{i \in I_j} D_i \to \varinjlim_{i \in I} D_i$, and one would expect HTT to imply that under the appropriate conditions, this map is an equivalence. But the formulation doesn't seem to easily lend itself to confirming this.
Question 2: Is the natural map $\varinjlim_{j \in J} \varinjlim_{i \in I_j} D_i \to \varinjlim_{i \in I} D_i$ constructed somewhere in reasonable generality? (Or else is it easy to construct from general machinery given somewhere?)
Question 3: Is there written somewhere an account of conditions (perhaps analogous to those of HTT which ensure that this map is an equivalence?