My questions concerns Definition 1.2 of an orbital integral in the paper [Orbital integrals on General Linear Groups][1]Orbital integrals on General Linear Groups by Cluckers and Denef. I will recall the definition below, but my question is: how does Definition 1.2 relate to the usual definition of an orbital integral? By the latter I mean for given a reductive group $G$ over $K$ and a regular element $\gamma$ of $G(K)$ with centralizer $G_\gamma$, the orbital integral of a function $f$ with sufficient decay being $$ O_\gamma(f)= \int_{G_{\gamma}(K)\backslash G(K)}f(x^{-1}\gamma x)dx. $$
Definition 1.2 is long, but I include it here for convenience:
Let $F$ be a number field with ring of integers $\mathcal O_F$. Let $\mathcal A_F$ be the collection of all finite field extensions of non-archimedean completions of $F$. Let $\mathcal B_F$ be the collection of all fields of the form $\mathbb F_q((t))$ which are rings over $\mathcal O_F$.For $K$ in $\mathcal A_F\cup \mathcal B_F$, let $\mathcal O_K$ be its valuation ring, $M_K$ its maximal ideal, $k_K$ its residue field, and $q_K\mathrel{:=}\# k_K$. For $N>0$,let $$\mathcal C_N=\{K\in \mathcal A_F\cup \mathcal B_F\mathrel| \text{char}(k_K)>N\}.$$
Let $G$ be a linear algebraic group over $F$, rationally acting on an absolutely irreducible algebraic variety $X$ over $F$. Suppose that $X$ is a homogeneous $G$-space, that is, the action of $G(\mathbb C)$ on $X(\mathbb C)$ is transitive. For $K$ a field over $F$ and $x\in X(K)$, let $G(K)(x)$ be the orbit of x under the action of $G(K)$.
Let $U\subset X$ be an affine open and let $f, g_i:U\to \mathbb A^1_F$ be regular functions. Let $\omega$ be a volume form on $U$, that is, a degree $n$ rational differential form on $U$ when $X$ is of dimension $n$. For each $K\in \mathcal C_1$ let $W(K)$ be $\bigcap_i g^{-1}_i(U_i)$ with $U_i$ either $\mathcal O_K$ or $M_K$. For each $K\in\mathcal C_1$ and for each $x$ in $X(K)$, under the condition of integrability for all $s>0$, define the orbital integral $$ I_{K,x}(s)=\int_{G(K)(x)\cap W(K)}\lvert f^s\rvert\lvert\omega\rvert_K $$ with $\lvert\omega\rvert_K$ the measure on $U(K)$ associated with $\omega$. If for some $K$ and $x$ this is not integrable, put $I_{K,x}(s) := 0$ for this $K$ and $x$. [1]: