My goal is to generate an irreducible polynomial over $GF(2^{12})$ with degree $t$, which can get fairly big, let's say up to $t=200$ or so. I've found this very helpful paper that walks me through the Ben-Or irreducibility test. I've implemented it, and it works perfectly for, um, $t\le5$.
Part of the algorithm requires computing $x^{q^i}-x \mod f$$x^{q^i}-x \bmod f$, where $f$ is a randomly-generated degree $t$ polynomial, the order $q=2^{12}$, and $i$ gets as high as $\frac{t}{2}$. I have a decently efficient adaptation of long division to compute the modulus. Unfortunately I'm using a polynomial library (JLinAlg, for Java) where the degree is represented as a 32-bit signed integer: $2^{q^i}$ is too large for $i>2$.
One option, of course, would be to re-implement polynomials to represent the degree with an arbitrarily large number. But I wonder, since I'm working in a field with characteristic $p=2$ and my dividend is so specific, if there's a better solution that doesn't require the big numbers at all?