The osculating circle at a point of a smooth plainplane curve can be obtained by considering three points on the curve and the circle defined by them. When the three points approach $P$, the circle becomes the osculating circle at $P$.
Generalizing this method to a conic defined by five points on a curve, one obtains an 'osculating conic' at each point of a smooth plainplane curve. It is pretty straight forwardstraightforward to show that this osculating conic is an ellipse (resp. parabola, hyperbola) if $y'' y^{(4)} > \frac{5}{3}y'''^2$ (resp. =, <).
Thus one can classify points on a plainplane curve, e.g. all points on $y=e^x$ are hyperbolic (which is not obvious to the 'naked eye'). The mentionnedaforementioned criterion is an affine differential invariant.
I'm wondering why these 'osculating conics' seem to be relativleyrelatively unknown (wouldthey would give a nice textbook example connecting elementary calculus and linear algebra - you can find the criterion above in one handwritten page, starting with the taylorTaylor expansion) and whether there are any applications (generalization of evolute; can you get the curve back from the focifocal curve of the osculating conics)?
Furthermore it would be interesting to know whether there are any results for 'osculating cubics' (nine points define a cubic plainplane curve) or 'osculating quartics' (fourteen points define a quartic plainplane curve) or for 'osculating quadrics' (would in general yield another classification of points on a surface thanbeyond the usual elliptic/parabolic/hyperbolic one).