Let $m$ be give postivepositive integer numbers,a sequence $p_{1},p_{2},\cdots $of primes satisfies the following condition:for $n\ge 3$,$p_{n}$ is the greatest prime divisor $p_{n-1}+p_{n-2}+m$, Prove that the sequence is bounded.
I have solvesolved it when $m$ is even number,But but for $m$ is odd, I can't sovesolve it.
whenWhen $m$ is even,Let let $b_{n}=\max\{p_{n},p_{n+1}\}$ for $n\ge 1$
Lemma: for all $n$ we have $$b_{n+2}\le b_{n}+m+2$$
Proof::Certainly certainly $p_{n+1}\le b_{n}$, so it suffices to show that $p_{n+2}\le b_{n}+m+2$.if If either $p_{n}$ or $p_{n+1}$ equals $2$,then then we have $$p_{n+2}\le p_{n}+p_{n+1}+m=b_{n}+m+2$$ otherwis,otherwise, $p_{n}$ and $p_{n+1}$ are both odd,so so $p_{n}+p_{n+1}+m$ is even,Because. Because $p_{n+2}\neq 2$ divides this number,we we have $$p_{n+2}\le\dfrac{1}{2}(p_{n}+p_{n+1}+m)\le b_{n}+\frac{m}{2}$$ This proveproves the claim.
chooseChoose $k$ large enough so that $b_{1}\le k\cdot (m+3)!+1$.we We prove by induction that $b_{n}\le k\cdot (m+3)!+1$ for all $n$, if. If this statement holds for some $n$, then $$b_{n+1}\le b_{n}+m+2\le k\cdot (m+3)!+m+3$$ if $b_{n+1}>k\cdot (m+3)!+1$ ,then let $q=b_{n+1}-k\cdot (m+3)!$,we we have $1<q\le m+3$,so so we have $q|(m+3)!$,hence hence, $q$ is proper divisor of $k\cdot (m+3)!+q=b_{n+1}$,which which is impossible,because because $b_{n+1}$ is prime,.
Thus $p_{n}\le b_{n}\le k\cdot(m+3)!+1$ for all $n$.
But forif $m$ beis an odd number,then then $p_{n}+p_{n+1}+m$ beis an odd number,so so we can't have the following inequality: $$p_{n+2}\le\dfrac{1}{2}(p_{n}+p_{n+1}+m)!$$,so.
So how to prove this case How to prove,Thanks ?