Let $S = \mathbb k[x_1, \ldots, x_n]$ be a polynomial ring over a field $\mathbb k$ and let $I \subseteq S$ be ana monomial ideal. For a monomial ideal $J$, let $\#(J)$ be the smallest number of monomials that generate $J$. A monomial quotient $S/I$ is called Cohen-Macaulay if the projective dimension of $S/I$ is equal to the smallest number of generators of any irreducible component of $I$$\min\{\#(J): J \text{ is an irreducible component of }I\}$.
Is there a name for the "opposite" property that the projective dimension of $S/I$ is equal to the largest number of generators of any irreducible component of $I$$\max\{\#(J): J \text{ is an irreducible component of }I\}$? Are there prior work on these rings?