I'm interested in the following collection of questions: Let $S^n_k = \sqcup_k S^n$ be a disjoint union of $k$ distinct $n$-dimensional spheres. Write $Emb(S_k^n, S^{n+2})$ for the space of embeddings of these spheres into $S^{n+2}$. Pick a your favorite embedding $e: S_k^n \to S^{n+2}$, and let $X_e = S^{n+2} \setminus im(e)$ be the complement of the image of the embedding.
What is $\pi_1(Emb(S_k^n, S^{n+2}), e)$? Since this is probably unknown, what is known?
How is this related to the mapping class group $\pi_0(Diff(X_e))$ of $X_e$?
I ask #2 because in dimension $n=0$, they are the same: the space of embeddings is the configuration space of points in the sphere. Its fundamental group is the (spherical) braid group, which is the same as the mapping class group of the punctured sphere. My guess is that life is not so simple in higher dimensions. Lastly, does any of this simplify out when you get into the range of dimensions where surgery theory starts working well?