Let $L_1$, $\cdots$, $L_k$ be homogenous linear forms in three variables $z_0$, $z_1$, $z_2$ defining $k$ lines in $\mathbb{P}_{2}$. Consider the abelian extension $K ((L_2/L_1)^{1/n}, \cdots, (L_k/L_1)^{1/n}) \supset K:= \mathbb{C}(z_{1}/z_{0}, z_{2}/z_{0})$ with group $G:= (\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})^{k-1}$. According to the book Barth-Hulek-Peters-Vandeven (Compact Complex Surfaces, page 240-42), such extension corresponds to a covering $f: X \rightarrow \tilde{\mathbb{P}_{2}}$. Let $P$ be one of the points where at least three lines in $\mathbb{P}_{2}$ meet. Then the lines through point $P$ defines a fibration. I would likehope to understand the fibration structure. HowWhat are the singular fibers look like and what is the genus of this fibration? If it is any helpful, you may consider the configurations $A_{1}(6)$ (complete quadrangle) or $A_{1}(8)$. Any reference on this is greatly appreciated.