Let $ \lambda_1 \ge \lambda_2 \ge \dots \lambda_{2n} $$ \lambda_1 \ge \lambda_2 \ge \dots \ge \lambda_{2n} $ be the collection of eigenvalues of an adjacency matrix of an undirected graph $G$ on $2n$ vertices. I am looking for any work or references that would consider the middle eigenvalues $\lambda_n$ and $\lambda_{n+1}$. In particular, the bounds on $R(G) = max(|\lambda_n|,|\lambda_{n+1}|)$$R(G) = \max \left( |\lambda_n|, |\lambda_{n+1}| \right)$ are welcome.
For instance, a computer search showed that most connected graphs with maximum valence 3$3$ have $R(G) \le 1$. The only known exception is the Heawood graph.
MotivationThe motivation for this question comes from theoretical chemistry, where the difference $\lambda_n-\lambda_{n+1}$$\lambda_n - \lambda_{n+1}$ in Hueckel theory is called the HOMO-LUMO gapHOMO-LUMO gap.
Edit: Note that in the original formula for $R(G)$ the absolute value signs were missing.