Well I've heard a lot of good things about mathoverflow, and so decided to ask this question that emerged in our research.
Suppose we have a finite-norm vector $X$ in a HilberHilbert space, and we want to construct its expansion in a certain (infinite) basis $V_k$, $X=\sum a_k V_k$$X=\sum_k a_k V_k$. If the basis is orthonormal, then we know that $a_k=(X,V_k)$$a_k=<X,V_k>$ and also $|X|^2=\sum a_k^2$$||X||^2=\sum_k a_k^2$. In particular, we can say from that that $\sum a_k V_k$$\sum_k a_k V_k$ converges at least as fast as $a_k^2$ drops for large $k's$$k$'s.
Now the question is this, if the expansion is in a basis $V_k$ that is not orthogonal, are there known results about the speed of convergence of such a series, $X=\sum a_k V_k$$X=\sum_k a_k V_k$?