I would like to know if the Kummer pairing (or the analogue of the Hilbert Symbol) for a one dimensional group defined over the ring of integers of a higher-dimensional local field is continuous (with respect to the Parshin topology of a higher-dimensional local field). To contextualize more my question,
Let $K$ be a $d$-dimensional local field of mixed characteristic, i.e, Char(K)=0 and Char(K_{d-1})=p, with maximal ring of integers $O_K$ and $F$ a one dimensional formal group over $O_K$. Let $L$ be a finite extension of $K$ containing the $n$-torsion points, $E_n$, of $F$ and let $\mu_L$ be the maximal ideal of $L$. Define the pairing
$K_d(L)\times \mu_L\to E_n :$ $(a, x)_{L,n}=\psi(a) (Z)-_FZ$
Where $Kd(L)$$K_d(L)$ is the KMilnor $K$-milnor groupgroup of $L$ and $[p^n](Z)=x$, here $[p^n]$ corresponds to multiplication-by-$p$ in the formal group $F$.
Let us fix an $a\in Kd(L)$$a\in K_d(L)$ and consider the map $(a,)_{L,n}:\mu_L\to E_n$. Is this map continuous?
I appreciate any exact reference you may know about this issue.