What can I do if I discover a reparable error in an article that I submitted to a journal of mathematics? I want to know the possible solutions so that the article is not rejected. And what happens if I submit the revised article to another journal in order to remedy this problem? Thanks for your help.
So I add some elements to clarify:
The mistake is in the proof of one of the main results of the work.
The correction is not complexe and it not affect the schema of the work, but I don't know if the referee when he correct it affect or not the schema of this work.
In the case where the referee will not signal the mistake, but give another remarks in his report, can I in this case signal the mistake to him, or I must follow their instructions strictly in order to have a favorable decision after I sent the revised version? The same question is when the referee corrects the error but affect the schema of the work while we can do it without affecting the structure of the paper.
For the option: send the journal a revision and explain the reason for it, does the journal accept the revised version? and how it class it?(because every submited article has only one code under the same journal!).
For the option:retract the article, is it a good solution? and if I will submit the revised article to the same journal, the later accept it?
I can not decide if I wait the answer of the referee, send a revised version, or I withdraw totaly the aricle and submit it once again.
Thunks again.