Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 2. Let $C$ be a (smooth projective connected) curve over $k$. Can there exist a rational function on $C$ whose differential is holomorphic but nonzero? (Note that every perfect square has zero differential.)
Alternate formulation: at the end of his paper "Theta characteristics of an algebraic curve", Mumford points out that the canonical sheaf on $C$ has a distinguished square root $\mathcal{L}$: for any rational function $f$ on $C$ which is not a perfect square, the divisor $(df)$ is even and the class of $\frac{1}{2}(df)$ does not depend on $f$. The question is then whether $\mathcal{L}$ can admit a nonzero section.
For example, it is an entertaining exercise to check (from a Weierstrass model) that this can never occur in genus 1. I would guess that a similar argument extends to arbitrary hyperellipticfor ordinary elliptic curves, but I did not attempt to check this.