Suppose $M$ satisfies the $CH$ and that we force over $M$ with $\mathbb{P}=Fn(I,2)$ where $(\omega_{2} \leq |I|))^{M}$, that is, with the finite-support partial functions from $I$ to $2$. If $f \in M[G] \cap \omega^{\omega}$, then is there necessarily a function $g \in M \cap \omega^{\omega}$ for which {$n:f(n) \leq g(n)$} is infinite? Please give a suggestion to help me work this exercise from Kunen's book.
Post Reopened by Joel David Hamkins, Timothy Chow, Asaf Karagila♦, Daniel Moskovich, François G. Dorais
Post Closed as "too localized" by Andrés E. Caicedo, Steven Landsburg, Henry Cohn, Simon Thomas, Nik Weaver
Joel David Hamkins
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