Does every connected metrizable locally path connected topological space $X$ admit a compatible metric $d$ so that $(X,d)$ is a length space?
(RecallEdit to correct definition: Recall that a metric space $(X,d)$ is a length space if for every $x$ and $y$ in $X$ and every $e>0$, there exists a rectifiable path from $f:[0,d(x,y)] \to X$ such that$x$ to $t-e< d(x,f(t))+d(f(t),y)< t+ e$, for all$y$ whose length is less then $t \in [0,d(x,y)]$$d(x,y)+e$.)
The answer is certainly yes for Peano continua, but this is not a trivial fact.
More generally the answer is apparently yes for such locally compact spaces, but local compactness is certainly not necessary: for example, familiar Hilbert space is a length space.
Do the above claims survive without local compactness?