Last revision: 10/20. (Probably the last for at least some time to come: until Mochizuki uploads his revisions of IUTT-III and IUTT-IV. My apology for the multiple revisions. )
Completely rewritten. (9/26)
Added on 10/15, and revised 10/1920. Mochizuki has commented on the apparent contradiction between Masser's examples and Theorem 1.10:
He writes that he will revise portions of IUTT-III and IUTT-IV, and will make them available in the near future. (He estimates January 2013 to be a reasonable period). He confirms the following ["essentially"] anticipated revision of Theorem 1.10:
Let $E/\mathbb{Q}$ be a semistable elliptic curve with [say, for the sake of simplifying] rational $2$-torsion [i.e., a Frey-Hellegouarch curve] of minimal discriminant $\Delta$ and conductor $N$ (square-free). For $\epsilon > 0$, let $N_{\epsilon} := \prod_{p \mid N, p < \epsilon^{-1}} p$. Then: $$ \frac{1}{6} \log{|\Delta|} < \big( 1 + \epsilon \big) \log{N} + \Big( \omega(N_{\epsilon}) \cdot \log{(1/\epsilon)} - \log{N_{\epsilon}} \Big) + \mathrm{ord}_2(\Delta) + O\big( \log{(1/\epsilon)} \big), $$$$ \frac{1}{6} \log{|\Delta|} < \big( 1 + \epsilon \big) \log{N} + \Big( \omega(N_{\epsilon}) \cdot \log{(1/\epsilon)} - \log{N_{\epsilon}} \Big) + O\big( \log{(1/\epsilon)} \big) $$ $$ < \log{N} + \Big( \epsilon \log{N} + \big( \epsilon \log{(1/\epsilon)} \big)^{-1} \Big) + o\Big( \big( \epsilon \log{(1/\epsilon)} \big)^{-1} \Big), $$ where $\omega(\cdot)$ denotes "number of prime factors." The second estimate comes from the prime number theorem in the form $\pi(t) = t/\log{t} + t/(\log{t})^2 + o\big( t/(\log{t})^2 \big)$, applied to $t := \epsilon^{-1}$, and is sharp if you restrict $\epsilon$ to the range $\epsilon^{-1} < (\log{N})^{\xi}$ with $\xi < 1$, as there nothing prevents $N$ from being divisible by all primes $p < (\log{N})^{\xi}$. In particular, as the Erdos-Stewart-Tijdeman-Masser construction is based on the pigeonhole principle, which cannot preclude that $N$ be divisible by all the primes $< (\log{N})^{2/3}$, the second estimate could very well be sharp in all the Masser examples. As it is easily seen that the bracketed term exceeds the range $\sqrt{\log{N}}/(\log{\log{N}})$ of Masser's examples, this has the implication that
Ifthe Erdos-Stewart-Tijdeman-Masser method cannot disprove Mochizuki's revised inequality,
which therefore seems reasonable.
On the other hand, if we take $\epsilon := (\log{N})^{-1}$ andand assume $\omega(N_{\epsilon})$ bounded, this would yield $(1/6)\log{|\Delta|} < \log{N} + O(\log{\log{N}})$, just as before. (MustThus, Mochizuki predicts that this be truelast bound must hold for $N$ a large enough square-free integer such that the number of primes $< \log{N}$ dividing $N$ is bounded?. I cannot see evidence neither for nor against this at the moment: again, the Masser and Erdos-Stewart-Tijdeman constructions are based on the pigeonhole principle, and do not seem to be able to exclude the small primes $< \log{N}$. So here we have an open problem by which one could probe Mochizuki's revised inequality. A reminder: in terms of the $abc$-triple, $\Delta$ is essentially $(abc)^2$, and $N = \mathrm{rad}(abc)$).