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Let $K$ be a pseudocompact Tychonoff space that is, a Hausdorff $T_{3.5}$ space for which every continuous function $\varphi \colon K\to \mathbb{C}$ is bounded. Let $\beta$ be the Stone-Cech extension functor. Then

$$\beta\colon C(K)\to C(\beta K)$$

is an algebra isomorphism.

OK, suppose $K$ is moreover locally compact, so one may consider the C*-algebra $C_0(K)$ of continuous functions which vanish at infinity. My question is how large can be in this case the quotient


Can it be infinite dimensional? If so, is there any characterisation of pseudocompactness in terms of relations between $C_0(K)$$C_0(\beta K)$ and $C(\beta K)$$C(K)$?

PS. By the way, is $\beta$ in this case a *-homomorphism?

Let $K$ be a pseudocompact Tychonoff space that is, a Hausdorff $T_{3.5}$ space for which every continuous function $\varphi \colon K\to \mathbb{C}$ is bounded. Let $\beta$ be the Stone-Cech extension functor. Then

$$\beta\colon C(K)\to C(\beta K)$$

is an algebra isomorphism.

OK, suppose $K$ is moreover locally compact, so one may consider the C*-algebra $C_0(K)$ of continuous functions which vanish at infinity. My question is how large can be in this case the quotient


Can it be infinite dimensional? If so, is there any characterisation of pseudocompactness in terms of relations between $C_0(K)$ and $C(\beta K)$?

PS. By the way, is $\beta$ in this case a *-homomorphism?

Let $K$ be a pseudocompact Tychonoff space that is, a Hausdorff $T_{3.5}$ space for which every continuous function $\varphi \colon K\to \mathbb{C}$ is bounded. Let $\beta$ be the Stone-Cech extension functor. Then

$$\beta\colon C(K)\to C(\beta K)$$

is an algebra isomorphism.

OK, suppose $K$ is moreover locally compact, so one may consider the C*-algebra $C_0(K)$ of continuous functions which vanish at infinity. My question is how large can be in this case the quotient


Can it be infinite dimensional? If so, is there any characterisation of pseudocompactness in terms of relations between $C_0(\beta K)$ and $C(K)$?

PS. By the way, is $\beta$ in this case a *-homomorphism?

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Let $K$ be a pseudocompact Tychonoff space that is, a Hausdorff $T_{3.5}$ space for which every continuous function $\varphi \colon K\to \mathbb{C}$ is bounded. Let $\beta$ be the Stone-Cech extension functor. Then

$$\beta\colon C(K)\to C(\beta K)$$

is an algebra isomorphism.

OK, suppose $K$ is moreover locally compact, so one may consider the C*-algebra $C_0(K)$ of continuous functions which vanish at infinity. My question is how large can be in this case the quotient

$$A:=C(\beta K)/C_0(K)?$$$$A:=C(K)/C_0(K)?$$

Can it be infinite dimensional? If so, is there any characterisation of pseudocompactness in terms of relations between $C_0(K)$ and $C(\beta K)$?

PS. By the way, is $\beta$ in this case a *-homomorphism?

Let $K$ be a pseudocompact Tychonoff space that is, a Hausdorff $T_{3.5}$ space for which every continuous function $\varphi \colon K\to \mathbb{C}$ is bounded. Let $\beta$ be the Stone-Cech extension functor. Then

$$\beta\colon C(K)\to C(\beta K)$$

is an algebra isomorphism.

OK, suppose $K$ is moreover locally compact, so one may consider the C*-algebra $C_0(K)$ of continuous functions which vanish at infinity. My question is how large can be in this case the quotient

$$A:=C(\beta K)/C_0(K)?$$

Can it be infinite dimensional? If so, is there any characterisation of pseudocompactness in terms of relations between $C_0(K)$ and $C(\beta K)$?

PS. By the way, is $\beta$ in this case a *-homomorphism?

Let $K$ be a pseudocompact Tychonoff space that is, a Hausdorff $T_{3.5}$ space for which every continuous function $\varphi \colon K\to \mathbb{C}$ is bounded. Let $\beta$ be the Stone-Cech extension functor. Then

$$\beta\colon C(K)\to C(\beta K)$$

is an algebra isomorphism.

OK, suppose $K$ is moreover locally compact, so one may consider the C*-algebra $C_0(K)$ of continuous functions which vanish at infinity. My question is how large can be in this case the quotient


Can it be infinite dimensional? If so, is there any characterisation of pseudocompactness in terms of relations between $C_0(K)$ and $C(\beta K)$?

PS. By the way, is $\beta$ in this case a *-homomorphism?

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Function spaces over pseudocompact spaces

Let $K$ be a pseudocompact Tychonoff space that is, a Hausdorff $T_{3.5}$ space for which every continuous function $\varphi \colon K\to \mathbb{C}$ is bounded. Let $\beta$ be the Stone-Cech extension functor. Then

$$\beta\colon C(K)\to C(\beta K)$$

is an algebra isomorphism.

OK, suppose $K$ is moreover locally compact, so one may consider the C*-algebra $C_0(K)$ of continuous functions which vanish at infinity. My question is how large can be in this case the quotient

$$A:=C(\beta K)/C_0(K)?$$

Can it be infinite dimensional? If so, is there any characterisation of pseudocompactness in terms of relations between $C_0(K)$ and $C(\beta K)$?

PS. By the way, is $\beta$ in this case a *-homomorphism?