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RaphaelB4's user avatar
RaphaelB4's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
18 votes

Sets of unit fractions with sum $\leq 1$

13 votes

Eigenvalue perturbation theory via Feynman diagrams

12 votes

Why do bees create hexagonal cells ? (Mathematical reasons)

11 votes

What is the fairest order for stage-striking (and is it the Thue-Morse sequence)?

10 votes

Expected value of determinant of simple infinite random matrix

10 votes

Every mathematician has only a few tricks

9 votes

Conceptual explanation for the appearance of entropy in $\frac{d}{dp}\|x\|_p$

8 votes

Annihilating random walkers

7 votes

Coin flipping game

6 votes

Random matrix is positive

6 votes

What is the probability distribution of the $k$th largest coordinate chosen over a simplex?

5 votes

Rigorous justification for this formal solution to $f(x+1)+f(x)=g(x)$

4 votes

Large deviations for discrete uniform distribution

4 votes

How many roots of polynomial in $\mathbb Z[x]$ and $\mathbb Q[x]$ are integers on average?

4 votes

Interpretation of the action in classical mechanics

4 votes

Randomly picking $k$ members of $\{1,\ldots,n\}$

4 votes

A problem on Gauss--Bonnet formula

4 votes

An upper bound for the largest Laplacian eigenvalue of a graph in terms of its diameter

4 votes

Expected determinant of random symmetric matrix with different Gaussian distributions of the diagonal and non-diagonal elements

4 votes

iid random operator and its spectrum

4 votes

Convexity of spectral radius of Markov operators, Random walks on non-amenable groups

3 votes

Distribution of distances of successive zeros of $f(x)={\rm cos}(x)+{\rm cos}(\alpha x)+{\rm cos}(\beta x)$

3 votes

Gaps between roots of consecutive Hermite polynomials

3 votes

Central limit theorem for weak dependent bernoulli random variables

3 votes

Proving an infinite norm minimization problem has finite support (non-convex p-norms)

3 votes

Convex representation of a measure

3 votes

Is there a physical/geometric proof for L^2 boundedness of Bourgain's maximal function along the squares?

3 votes

The mean of a running maximum

3 votes

Request for examples: verifying vs understanding proofs

3 votes

How to solve this stochastic optimization problem?