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@wnx I was (and am) totally calm! My tone wasn't aggressive, maybe I had to add some emoticon? :) This said, the OPs question lacks a lot of information and has indeed some mistakes in it! It is indeed quite indecipherable. But it's not a big deal, right? I was just trying to push the OPs to reformulate better his question, for his own advantage!
Hi Jason! Now that you say this, I have some reminiscence of a conference in Luminy where McKernan gave a talk around this, but I cannot remember the precise statements... I’ll take a look, cheers!
@Samir, thai is as wrong as possibile, in general! Once again you should write better your original question! What do you have in mind? A projective manifold? Or merely a compact complex one?
@abx what you say it's ok for projective manifolds. But this is merely compact complex. Even in the compact Kähler case "$K_X$ not nef implies presence of rational curves" is not known!